Ten Random Facts About Me:
1. I’m pretty much obsessed with the color yellow.
2. I love books, movies, and TV shows that make me cry. (Yep. I’m a huge fan of This Is Us.)
3. I like to laugh just as much as I like a good cry. I laugh so loud my son calls it a “scream laugh”.
4. Chocolate is my love language. Anything chocolate. As chocolate as you can get. Double, tripple, chocolate on chocolate. Just give me all the chocolate.
5. I like the sizzling sound water makes when hits a hot pan. #random
6. It’s a no on cheese for me. #unpopular
7. I love children. Children love me. Except for my own when I make them clean their rooms, but whatever. That’s moming for ya.
8. I’m super horrible at spelling. Red lines everywhere. Thank God for editors!
9. I could listen to Maverick City Music all day long.
10. Did I mention chocolate?

I’d love to get to know more about you. Would you take a moment to hop on over to my author Facebook page and tell me some random things about yourself?
Sarah Hanks spent a decade delightfully merging her two main passions—writing and equipping children—by writing a variety of Sunday school curricula for churches in her community. She wrote her first novel when she was seventeen and continued to write fiction “on the side” until deciding to pursue writing professionally with Mercy Will Follow Me. She and her husband have nine children of their own, a couple of whom seem to have inherited their mother’s love for playing with words and crafting stories. Though Sarah dreams of a cabin by the beach, the family lives together in beautiful chaos in St. Charles , Missouri. She buys ear plugs in bulk.